to the Animator
Compiled August 23, 2005
From Indian-sounding names:
From:(Indian male name)
From:(Indian female name)
From:(Indian male name)
From:(Indian male name)
From: (Indian female name)
From:(Indian female name)
From:(Indian name I'm to ignorant to discern the gender of)
Date:Sun, 24 Apr 2005 00:01:03 -0700 (PDT)
Here's another letter assuming I'm just doing this to make money. Hello? I'm not making any money with this project! I'm losing money, and forgoing income and worldly goods. It's a labor of love. I did write back to this guy asking for reading material that would enlighten me; I've read numerous Ramayanas, certainly including the story of Rama's birth, which doesn't explain his later behavior towards Sita. Predictably, "Ranjit" never responded. I do like how he closed the email with, "the animation was very good - keep it up." At least he found something to like in it. --NP
From:(Indian female name)
Whoops! One of my animation students at Parsons wrote out the Sanskrit for me. It's moot now, since I'm no longer using that title. --NP
From:(Indian name I'm to ignorant to discern the gender of)
From:(Indian male name)
From Western-sounding names:
From: (Western male name)
From: (Western male name)
From:(Western male name)
From:(Western male name)
From:(Western male name)
This one's a little passive-aggressive; apparently I'm discourteous and not displaying enough "cultural respect." I'm braced for some serious self-righteous condemnation from white liberals down the line. I'm surprised I have't gotten more of it already.--NP
From:(Western male name)
From:(Western male name)
From Academics:
From:(Western female name)
From:(Western male name)
From:(Western female name)
Thanks everyone! Keep those cards and letters coming. Better yet, put your comments on my blog!--Nina