I have to move again

My landlord's putting my apartment on the market this week, and my lease ends in November, so I'm cast into the New York rental wilderness yet again. As before, leads on apartments are greatly appreciated. If you're a wealthy homeowner, or perchance have a big mansion that feels a little empty, and long to hear the pitter-patter of little animator feet, you could put me up and write off the rent amount as a tax-deductable donation to the arts - it would directly support Sita Sings the Blues, as my main expense is staying alive while I work on it. Heck, for a deal like that I might even leave New York. Otherwise I can pay, as my "apartment wanted" listing on craigslist specifies.
I would like to talk to you about mobile rights to Fluff for a new worldwide project we are putting together.
You might want to look here: http://www.fulltiltmobile.com/mission.html
The last two comments prompted me to put a .jpg graphic of my email address on my main page (scroll down). I've kept it buried in the bowels of ninapaley.com to discourage spammers, but clearly non-spamming people are trying to reach me who can't or won't dig that far.
Have you tried taking this to a major studio? I think you may have enough material so far to show them. If they're interested, they could back your project. I would suggest starting with WB, because this seems like the sort of thing they would produce. But if they don't want it, there's a number of smaller studios about.
Hi Nina,
Crikey...better mail that movie to you before you move...it's in a padded envelope waiting to be sent off - I've been a bit busy recently...
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