Saturday, October 29, 2005
a girl and her cat

I had an awful week and am long overdue for a haircut, but my loyal kitty loves me.
Friday, October 28, 2005
The move itself went relatively smoothly. It was only once I got here that my real troubles began. My floor grout is crumbling out in big chunks, the windows didn't work (and didn't LOCK, which is not what you want in this neighborhood), the plunger-proof toilet overflowed yesterday creating a 3" deep pool in my bathroom that would have overrun the whole apartment had the super not finally shown up with a snake, the steam vent on the heating pipe is melting the wall surface, verizon arbitrarily decided not to start my internet access until 2 weeks after I ordered it (today is the first day I've gotten online from home), etc. etc., whine whine kvetch kvetch. Due to these ongoing problems I'm still not fully unpacked and set up, and tonight I'll have to break down my desk and computer again, so parts of the floor can be patched. Meanwhile, a mentally unbalanced and scary Parsons student had a nervous breakdown in my classroom this week. If anyone's gonna have a nervous breakdown in my classroom, it's gonna be ME, dammit.Someday, I will regain a modicum of control over my home, post some nice pictures, and make you all jealous with tales of the amazing food in my great neighborhood. But not today.
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Into the fire
Moving is a full-time job. I don't know how nine-to-fivers do it. I spent an entire week looking for a new apartment (Craigslist every day, several different agencies, running all over town to see places), and another week securing one (paperwork, guarantor, long trips to the management's office). And I haven't even packed yet!I focussed my search in 2 neighborhoods: Sunnyside Queens, and the Upper East Side, both of which are more affordable than much of Brooklyn. Unbelieveable, that Brooklyn north-west of Prospect Park is as expensive as Manhattan now. Anyway, after scouring with much diligence, I finally found a Hell's Kitchen. Where I wasn't looking. But I saw the ad, and decided to check it out for the heck of it, and now I'm the proud renter of a quiet top-floor walkup "one bedroom" two-thirds the size of my current one bedroom. I don't know where I'll fit Bruno's litterbox, but there's room for my bed. The neighborhood is awesome, a foodie's paradise (a Kitchen because of all the restaurants, and adjacent to Times Square, which is Hell), and I'll save countless weary hours on the subway. There's so much I don't do in New York because of the long subway rides from Brooklyn; now I'll get more of my money's worth enjoying the city. Still, I'm very sad to leave my current home. And I'm beyond sick of moving, which I've done an average of once every 2 years since I was 18.
Sunday, October 09, 2005
The Sincerest Form of Flattery...

Alert reader Ranjit tipped me off to these Sita Sings the Blues images used (without permission) for advertising on Indian web sites.

I know I'm supposed to get bent out of shape about this sort of thing, but I'm too busy being amused!
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Dinner's on you
Sita Sings the Blues has been selected for the Indo-American Arts Council Film Festival. The "Mini-Sitayana", consisting of all 6 musical numbers completed so far, will screen Saturday, November 5, 4:00 pm, at Anthology Film Archives (32 Second Ave at 2nd Street, NYC). The Festival's opening night features Deepa Mehta's much anticipated film Water. I loved Mehta's Fire, so I'm excited.And guess what? "Filmmakers are offered discounted tickets for the IAAC Annual Gala Dinner that follows the Opening Night Screening at the Tavern on the Green for $150 instead of $300." If anyone wants to drop $150 on yours truly, in addition to yourself, it's a date. Usually, when I find $150 lying around, I use it to pay rent.
Sunday, October 02, 2005
Does this mean I'm a Goddess?
Flash Goddess has an interview with yours truly.In other news, I've finally updated my biography and filmography after only, oh, five years. The bio is very long and horn-tootin', since I wrote it for a grant application. Please pardon my apparent arrogance, it's all in the name of begging for money.