This page contains some of the great awards we shamelessly applied for all
over the web.

This is an awesome site by an awesome illustrator,
Bob Staake.
Check it out!
"...the Award of Excellence has been awarded to
your site for excellent content layout, ease of navigation, and eye
pleasing color balance..."
They even qualified for a Golden Ego Award!
"Your site meets all of our qualifications that makes for a
great site."
Yes!! The coveted prestigious "Big $ Award!" exemplifies the spirit of "Big $" to their
distinguished panel of jurors.

"Congratulations on a splendid job of excellent contents and original
The Angst Web Design Award.

Aardvark Archie 'Cool Site' BRONZE award

The prestigious coveted Golden
Ego Award!
Not that we have any sway with the jury or anything...