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Pick another week:
Week 1- Sasha seeks therapy (10/1/97)
Week 21- Checkers' Motorcycle (2/16/98)
Week41- Catzilla pt 2 (7/6/98)
Sunday- Stairmaster (10/5/97)
Sunday- Leopard on loose (2/22/98)
Sunday- Remote Control (7/12/98)
Week 2- 'Light is a Bug!' (10/6/97)
Week 22- Dino-Bird (2/23)
Week42- Balloon Around theWorld (7/13)
Sunday- 'I prowl by night' (3/1)
Sunday- Prey of the Month (7/19/)
Week 23- Guide Cats for the Blind (3/2)
Week43- Around the World, pt 2 (7/20)
Sunday- Tough Prey (3/8)
Sunday- The Cat Whisperer (7/26)
Week 4- 10/20/97
Week 24- Backyard Waste Dump (3/9)
Week44- The Cat Whisperer (7/27)
Sunday- Dog guilt/Cat guilt (3/15)
Sunday- Bull & Bear Markets (8/2)
Week 5- Wearing fur (10/27/97)
Week 25- At the Zoo (3/16)
Week45- The Mars Diet (8/3)
Sunday- Sash-Ra (11/2/97)
Sunday- Snake eyes (3/22)
Sunday- Food Chain (8/9)
Week 6- Elba the Vegetarian (11/3/97)
Week 26- Zoo #2- Back to Africa (3/23)
Week46- Catfish (8/10)
Sunday- Beauty treatment (11/9)
Sunday- Insomnia (3/29)
Sunday- Cattywampus (8/16)
Week 7- Home Cloning Kit #1 (11/10/97)
Week 27- Checkers loses his hair (3/30)
Week47- North Pole A-Test (8/17)
Sunday- - Perfect jerk (11/16)
Sunday- Torture (4/5)
Sunday- Delightful dream (8/23)
Week 8- Home Cloning Kit #2 (11/17/97)
Week28- Genii in a Bottle (4/6)
Week48- Invisible Sasha (8/24)
Sunday- Just kidding! (11/23)
Sunday- Can Opener (4/12)
Sunday- Tailchase (8/30)
Week 9- Free the Turkey! (11/24/97)
Week29- Taxes& Random Gags (4/13)
Week49- Chef Checkers (8/31)
Sunday- Abstract world (11/30)
Sunday- Quality Time (4/19)
Sunday- Marathon (9/6)
Week 10- Hairball Sculpture (12/1/97)
Week30- The New Guy (4/20)
Week50- Invisible Checkers (9/7)
Sunday- I Believe (12/7)
Sunday- Clean Kitty (4/26)
Sunday- Angel/Devil (9/13)
Week 11- The Bomb Shelter (12/8/97)
Week31- New Guy #2 (4/27)
Week51- In Ancient Egypt (9/14)
Sunday- Wish List (12/14)
Sunday- Unified Field Theory (5/3)
Sunday- Soap salesman (9/20)
Week 12- Checkers online (12/15/97)
Week32- 'Take me to your leader' (5/4)
Week52- Checkers the Coal Miner (9/21)
Sunday- Sphinx (12/21)
Sunday- Catfood/Dogfood (5/10)
Sunday- Diurnal/Nocturnal (9/27)
Week 13- The X-mas rodent (12/22/97)
Week33- National Police week (5/11)
Week53- Checkers Ark pt 1 (9/28)
Sunday- The Cat, at night (12/28/97)
Sunday- Cats relieve stress (5/17)
Sunday- X-Ray specs (10/4)
Week 14- Snark the Mascot (12/29/97)
Week34- Snark has a bath (5/18)
Week54-Checkers Ark pt2 (10/5)
Sunday- Cat Toy (1/4/98)
Sunday- 'Pet me!' (5/24)
Sunday- Cat Fu (10/11)
Week 15- Mascot Snark, week 2 (1/5/98)
Week35- The Escaped Animals (5/25)
Week55- Checkers Ark pt3 (10/12)
Sunday- How Cats see the World (1/11/98)
Sunday- Think big (5/31)
Sunday- 'Plants will rule!' (10/18)
Week 16- Checkers freezes himself (1/12/98)
Week36- Sasha in Love (6/1)
Week56- The Millenium bug (10/19)
Sunday- Hologram (1/18)
Sunday- Checkers the Magician (6/7)
Sunday- Soccer (10/25)
Week 17- 'Oh, no! Mice!' (1/19/98)
Week37- Sheep cloning (6/8)
Week57- Goin’ Huntin’ (10/26)
Sunday- Worst/Best (1/25)
Sunday- Global Warming (6/14)
Sunday- Cat'food' (11/1)
Week 18- Shadow, the black cat (1/26/98)
Week38- Checkers the Pirate (6/15)
Week58- 'Case of the Missing Fish (11/2)
Sunday- At the Vet (2/1)
Sunday- Snark Hat (6/21)
Sunday- Cat Mall (11/8)
Week 19- Checkers pumps iron (2/2/98)
Week39- The Treasure Map (6/22)
Week59- On the lamb (11/9)
Sunday- Terrible Mother (2/8)
Sunday- Quarantuplets (6/28)
Sunday- 'Feed me!' (11/15)
Week 20- Valentine's Week (2/9/98)
Week40- Catzilla (6/29/98)
Week60- Random Food Dailies (11/16)
Sunday- When Cats dream (2/15/98)
Sunday- Worker Ants (7/5/98)
Sunday- Home's where the heart is (11/22)
Week61- The 1st dimension (11/23/98)